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Counselling the way through Covid

Writer's picture: AndrewAndrew

As a society we are moving closer and closer to a return to a world we used to know. Restrictions continue to ease and we are all being faced with a new level of anxiety about our re-entry into our post Covid world. Under normal circumstances and in general we take our safety for granted, however, with this pandemic we are experiencing situations that have caused us to self-isolate in our homes, limit our social interactions to digital platforms, if even that, maintain social distancing while simultaneously managing the fear and anxiety that this virus perpetuates. Fundamentally our optimism about the world we live in may be shaken. This is because we are experiencing a loss of our personal psychological security in this uncertainty.

Returning to a Post Covid world after shut down we can experience a multitude of negative emotions - denial, disbelief, anger, fear, and sadness. Also, on the contrary we can be excited, happy, relieved, as we reengage with normality. Emerging from lockdown therefore can create a psychological disruption especially around our own and our family’s emotional and physical well-being.

While we all are doing are best to adhere to government guidelines in relation to a phased return to reopening and re-engagement, our well-being is of paramount importance. It is essential to understand that we all are experiencing the impacts of the Covid pandemic on some level and we all have individual reactions to this event.

Back in March when the carpet was pulled from under us and an immediate lock down was announced, we all adapted as best we could as a lot of us embarked upon a life in survival mode with no foreseeable end. Now with the current easing and transitioning back into the world around us, we can notice the world has a new norm, the “Covid Capacity” of a shop, garage, some travel restrictions still in place but possibilities of normality emerging. How will this new norm impact us?

Transition to our new normality needs to be comfortably orchestrated just like captive wild animals need time to transition back to the wild. We need to understand the psychological, emotional and behavioural aspects as we move from our four walls back into our, perhaps very changed, world. This is why acknowledging our emotional well-being, our personal experience and our concerns for the future form the bedrock of our safety in the midst of a potentially life threatening pandemic.

Many questions still remain - What is safe now; where is the line between precaution and paranoia; what do I not want to leave behind, what do I want to change, have I grieved the loss of loved ones? These questions, anxieties, and the impact of future uncertainties can be explored in counselling to help plan your road map back to re-entry to the world as we now know it. Counselling has also changed during the pandemic, seeing a client face to face was not permitted, people adapted to this too. Through phone and video counselling people were still able to find their safe confidential space. This is still the new norm for counselling and it is offering solace, space and time to discuss your anguish, grievances, loss and other concerns you may be having. The certainty of this space may be the support you need to emerge into a world of uncertainty.

Blog: Blog2
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